Lessons from smart JSL mistakes

by on Jan.11, 2011 , under JMP & JSL

This is a follow-up to my previous post, “A script to check and change a JMP preference ($2).


Marianne Toft asked the JMP scripting group on LinkedIn a question about managing preferences with JSL:

Does anybody know how to read a specific setting from the Preferences? I need to read the status of ‘Use JMP locale settings’ and if 0 then change to 1 and give the user a message to restart JMP.

A $2 solution

I wrote a $2 script that solves the problem, and I sent Marianne a coupon code for a free copy, in thanks for posting such a thought-provoking JSL challenge.

My strategy is described in detail in that previous post, if you’d like to try writing it yourself with a bunch of pointers.

It’s also available as a $2 download if you’d rather just get the final code, fully commented and tested on JMP 8 and 9 on both Windows and Mac. One reason to consider buying this script instead of a tall drip is that the script is abstracted to check and change any preference, not just Use JMP Locale Settings( 0|1 ). That abstraction reveals some scripting tricks that might be helpful in your other scripting projects.

I’ll be delighted if someone else comes up with a more elegant solution, because mine is brute force. That’s because JMP doesn’t return the current preferences as an expression or a string or anything else you could potentially operate on with JSL. It just echoes the preferences to the Log window, so you need to read the text of the Log window and deal with that. If I’m missing something here, someone please enlighten me!

Several smart mistakes and lessons to learn from them

Several other people wrote helpful suggestions. Unfortunately, their code didn’t work, and we can all learn some important things about JSL by studying their smart mistakes.

Mark Anawi suggested using Show Preferences(Use JMP Locale Settings) ) to see the setting for just that preference. It’s a good guess at an argument for the Show Preferences() command, but it’s not actually a supported argument. It doesn’t work. You’ll just get the usual output for Show Preferences() without an argument.

Lesson: when you supply an argument JMP doesn’t understand, sometimes you get errors, but a lot of the time it’s just ignored, silently. You get no indication that you did something that doesn’t work. The only way you can be sure it was ignored is to try it again without the argument, or with a different argument, and check whether anything changed.

Peter Wiebe wrote an elegant solution that uses a For() loop to step through each Arg() of an expression, looking for and if necessary changing the preference in question. His code is concise and beautiful:

jmp_rulz = getpreferences();
For( i = 1, i <= N Arg( jmp_rulz ), i++,
    If( Contains( Char( Arg( jmp_rulz, i ) ),
        "Use JMP Locale Settings(0)" ),
        Preferences( Use JMP Locale Settings( 1 ) );
        New Window( "Restart JMP",
            Panel Box( "Restart JMP",
                Button Box( "OK", << closewindow )

His code is far more elegant than mine. It’s an efficient strategy! Unfortunately, it doesn’t work, for several reasons.

Get Preferences() isn’t a command in JMP 8 or 9, so the first line returns an error:

Name Unresolved: get preferences in access or evaluation of 'get preferences' , get preferences()

In the following script, error marked by /*###*/
::jmp_rulz = get preferences() /*###*/

I assume that was just a typo, though. Peter meant Show Preferences(), but as I warned at the outset, that command doesn’t return an expression. It just echoes text to the Log window. So, after running the first line (with “get” changed to “show”), jmp_rulz contains . (missing).

Therefore, N Arg(jmp_rulz)i is never < 0, so the For() loop never runs.

I like Peter’s script better than mine. It should have worked—Show Preferences() really ought to return an expression so that his For() loop can step through it and look for the specific preference in question. Unfortunately it doesn’t. I hope our heroes in JMP R&D will consider improving this in a future version.

Why did Peter think this worked? Probably because when he ran it, he didn’t get any error messages. I didn’t either, and at first I was trying to figure out why his script worked when I’d already proven to myself that Show Preferences() doesn’t return anything into the jmp_rulz global.

He probably also checked the Log window after running it to confirm that the preference was on, saw that it was, and figured that it must have worked. He wouldn’t have expected to see his “Restart JMP” window unless it the setting was off to begin with, so he probably figured it had already been on.

Peter’s a clever scripter, by the way—whenever he posts something on LinkedIn, I make sure to read it, because I know I’ll learn something.

Lesson: Not getting error messages in the Log window doesn’t mean your script works.

Why should we care more than “Oops!”?

OK, we all make mistakes, especially when we’re writing JSL. (We do, right? Please tell me it’s not just me!) No big deal.

So why am I writing about these mistakes? Believe me, I’m not doing this to make anyone feel bad! They were both great suggestions, and they looked like they worked. Both Mark and Peter had good reasons to think they were correct.

I see some important lessons for JMP scripters.

Be aware that JMP has a lot of silent error conditions

Mark’s command Show Preferences(Use JMP Locale Settings) didn’t produce any error messages, and it did echo the current settings to the Log, so it was reasonable for Mark to assume that putting a specific preference as an argument to the command was a valid syntax variation that would show the setting of that specific preference.

This is a type of mistake I make all the time: I come up with a syntax improvement in my imagination or in my failing memory, one that isn’t real, and it seems to work, so I think it is real.

But it’s not. There are a lot of situations where JMP is silent about errors in JSL. Sending an unrecognized argument to a command is a typical example. Another is when you put something that needs to be evaluated—say, an arithmetic expression to set a parameter from a global—inside an object message or platform launch command, and it turns out that the particular message or command you’re using is not actually capable of evaluating its arguments. (JMP is inconsistent that way, unfortunately. Sometimes you can get away with it, sometimes you can’t, and you can only find out by testing.)

Be sure you know which kinds of errors are silent (and deadly)

This article would go on for a hundred pages if I tried to list every possible error and whether JMP will report an error message or not, but here are some of the most important things to know:

Some typical mistakes that usually produce error messages:

  • Operators that don’t exist, e.g. Until() instead of While()
  • Globals that don’t exist or haven’t been assigned values yet (or have had their values cleared with Clear Globals()
  • Using = instead of == as a conditional test, e.g. If(a=1, write("a"), write("not a")) would assign 1 to a, but JMP alerts you to the fact that you probably meant to test whether a equals 1 with a==1

Some typical mistakes that do not produce error messages:

  • Messages that don’t exist, e.g. Distribution[1]<<close; instead of Distribution[1]<<close window; just silently pretends to run, returning the name of the object (in this example, Distribution[]) as if it had done something to it
  • Arguments that don’t exist, e.g. Show Preferences(Initial Splash Window) instead of Show Preferences(All) simply runs as if you hadn’t included the unrecognized argument
  • Scoping mistakes, e.g. inside Formula(), any variable that you don’t explicitly scope, such as by putting :: before a global’s name, is going to be interpreted as a column name, and unless that leads to an error condition or some kind of unexpected behavior that you notice, you will never realize your mistake
  • Conditional mistakes, e.g. For() loops or other loops that never need to iterate simply don’t iterate, and they don’t tell you that they haven’t—unless you write some code to report on the iteration, e.g. you could set some global inside the For() loop and then check the global after the For() loop

Is it a bug when JMP doesn’t report an error?

Not necessarily.

In the case of invented messages not being flagged, my opinion is yes, that should be reported as an error. It’s too dangerous to think you’re accomplishing something and never realize JMP’s just ignoring you. But consider what the JMP developers are up against: JSL is so flexible that you can send lists of messages like obj << {mesg1, mesg2, …, mesgN}, and you can send messages to an obj << mesg group, and that’s just for starters. It would be hard to make the error-checking and reporting bulletproof.

What about invented arguments? Well, again, I’d say yes, if JMP can’t interpret something, it should say so. But again, consider what the developers are up against: most, but not all, commands in JSL can take arbitrarily complex expressions inside their parentheses. For example, myList={}; InsertInto(myList, 4) is a straightforward way to put something in a list, but you could also have it calculate the thing it needs to insert, e.g. myList={}; InsertInto(myList, 1+3). That calculation could be incredibly complex, involving If() tests and For() loops and all kinds of insanity. Any number of things could go wrong inside those calculations. How is JMP’s InsertInto() supposed to know that the problem is you made up an argument and not that you attempted a calculation that didn’t work out?

What about unscoped, mis-scoped, or insufficiently scoped variables? Hard to say. The name-resolution and scoping details of JSL keep improving with each new version of JMP, so that careful scripters can get better and better control of these kinds of problems, but for most scripters (and I include myself), the bigger problem is that we don’t realize when we’re not scoping carefully enough. For example, inside a Formula expression, any variables that aren’t scoped otherwise will get interpreted as operators (if one by that name exists) or as columns (if one by that name exists). If either of those exist, then the global you thought you were calling is not going to come into play. For example:

x=1; column("Age Next Year") << set formula(x + :Age)

That should add 1 to each Age column’s value and put it in the Age Next Year column, right? Right. As long as you don’t also have a column named “x”! If you do, it’s going to add the value in the Age column to the value in the x column and put it in the Age Next Year column; more precisely, it will do that for each row.

Or what about this:

For=1; column("Age Next Year") << set formula(x + :Age)

Will that work? Well, if you want to play along, open good old Big Class.jmp, create an Age Next Year column, and try these two scripts. First try the one with x=1. That’ll work fine since Big Class doesn’t have an x column. Now try the one with For=1.

What happens?

Do you think it worked? Well, you might—after all, the Age Next Year column has the right answers in it, and you didn’t get an error message in the Log.

But did it? Let’s check more carefully. Change the first bit to For=5 and run it again. Do you get values like 17, 18, 19 as you should?


Do you get error messages?


What’s going on? Remember, For is an operator! JMP sees a For() operator even though its () parentheses and arguments aren’t there. Since For has no arguments, it doesn’t do anything, and then it can’t add :Age to it because there’s no “it” to add it to, so the column is unchanged. JMP doesn’t think anything is wrong, because it didn’t see anything it couldn’t interpret. It knows For()! It just didn’t realize that by For what you really meant was 5!

The first time, when For=1, we didn’t realize the problem, because the Age Next Year column already had the answers we expected and we didn’t have any way of knowing they didn’t change because of an error rather than because the answers were the same. The second time, when we were expecting different answers, we had a chance of noticing our mistake—but only if we checked those answers!

What do you do if you actually do want to use a global that shares a name with an operator or a column? You scope it. Change it to ::For inside the Formula(), and you’re back in business.

So, it’s not clear that JMP is in the wrong when errors don’t get messages. It’s not necessarily a bug, although it certainly can be frustrating! We can all hope that these kinds of errors will be trapped better in future versions of JMP, but in the meantime, we need to take that responsibility ourselves.

Tips on interpreting error messages

JMP’s error reporting is quite helpful, but it can be frustrating at times. Here are a few tips:

  • Sometimes it’s hard to find the /*###*/ in the Log to see where your error is. Don’t forget about Edit/Find, or the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-F or Command-F!
  • Sometimes the /*###*/ will be in a misleading place. Start by investigating the thing that comes right before it, but if you’re sure that’s not in error, see if you can find some other problem that’s causing that thing to get read in some way other than what you meant, e.g. if you had a comma instead of a semicolon, it might be getting read as the “else” action in an If(), where you meant it to be an extra command in the “then” action.
  • When you get error messages about an unexpected or a missing ) or , (parentheses or commas), if the /*###*/ marker doesn’t help you, try getting some help from the Reformat Script utility. Try reformatting the whole script, and see where the cursor sits after you get the error message again. If you don’t see the problem nearby, try selecting chunks of the script and reformatting those. Keep going until you find the chunk of script that won’t format; your problem is inside that chunk somewhere.
  • Notice that the Reformat Script utility does helpful auto-indenting of your code, so that things happening inside other things will be indented further than their containers, and the closing ) will appear vertically-aligned to the command and opening ( that JMP thinks it corresponds to. Make sure that JMP’s alignment of )s matches what you think you’re doing. Getting messed up inside the parentheses is an especially common mistake when you’re writing custom display boxes.
  • Also try using the fence-matching feature: double-click on a parenthesis, and the Script Editor should highlight everything up to the matching parenthesis. See if it matches what you think it should; if it doesn’t, you’ve got one missing or extra somewhere. Note: one problem with the Script Editor’s fence-matching is that it won’t always select all the way up to a matching parenthesis; it’ll just do nothing when you double-click. This seems to happen when the chunk is too big—if the matching parenthesis is scrolled too far off-screen, JMP doesn’t even try. I hope this will be improved in a future version of JMP. In this situation, using an external programmer’s editor (such as jedit on Windows or BBEdit on Mac) can be helpful.

Be sure to test that your code is doing something

The smart JSL mistakes we saw above didn’t report errors, so the scripters didn’t realize anything was wrong. This brings up an important point: you need to test not only that the results you get are correct, but also that you’re getting results!

Mark’s error was to invent an argument. JMP’s response was to ignore the fictional argument. So how did he know it was a nonexistent argument and not just an undocumented one? The only way to be sure is to try the command twice—first without the argument, and again with the argument—and see if the results actually differ. If they don’t, that argument isn’t doing anything. Either it doesn’t exist, or you’re making some kind of a mistake in how you’re using it.

Peter’s mistake was not checking that his For() loop actually did any iterations. Since NArg() was zero, his i counter that started at 1 was never less than zero, so the loop didn’t do a single iteration. JMP skipped right over it. There are several ways to test for this kind of problem. The easiest way is just to put Write() statements inside the For() loop that will report what’s going on to the Log window. As long as you make sure to look at the Log and see that the messages you expect are showing up, that’s good enough.

But if your For() loop is happening as part of a larger program, you might not think to look for the absence of a message, right? In that case it would be better to lay a trap. For example, you could set a global right before the For() loop, do something to that global inside the For() loop, and then test the global after the For() loop. For example:

For( i=1, i<6, i++,
    [ do whatever you need to do here ];
if( test==0, throw( "The For loop did not iterate" ));

(Note: it wouldn’t necessarily be a mistake for a For() loop never to iterate. There might come a situation where you want to write an iteration test that takes advantage of For()‘s ability to decide whether to iterate or not.)

What are your issues with JSL errors?

What kinds of silent-but-deadly errors have you noticed? What kind of errors have you found it hard to track down? What tips do you have for trapping silent errors, or figuring out reported errors?

Please ask your questions and share your experiences in the Comments below. We’ll be happy to follow-up with replies to your comments or at greater length in future blog posts.